Sunday, January 26, 2014


There's something about the sweetness of recounting memories of an undergrad friendship while sprawled out on the floor of a warm room that's capable of holding way more people than you first expected -- like a clown car, except the room version.

There's something about sitting around on worn comfy couches and munching on chicken wings and pizza and laugh-crying at 'Remember When's quickly devolving into embarrassing stories about the Girl Who Peed.

There's something about crying crying crying for the sadnesses of others; wondering why the tears are streaming down my face, why it seems so sad to me, or maybe it's the combination of a (non)goodbye and feeling like there's something being lost to indelibility. Mmm confusion.

There's something about tiny girls hugging each other's tiny girl bodies, holding fast, not wanting to let go, please can you just stay? hehehe, slouchy cardigans and teary-goodbye faces, looking out the glass slammy door until her backlights have turned the corner and out of view view view as the Friends theme song - I'lllll be there forrr youuuu - plays in the background, unaware of us and somehow perfect, but somehow  a little too self-confident for the goodbye of our friends.

There's something about saying goodbye. Even if it's so temporary. Feeling like the end of an era, and the beginning of one; or maybe just the beginning of an end. Emotions clouding the brain; there's no room for the coherent thoughts to congregate.

There's something about laying in bed, full head, full heart, wanting to record things I can't seem to grasp.


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