Saturday, January 4, 2014

note the lovin'

what a blessed girl I am to have an inbox so full of lovin'

even if that clarisse girl never sees this post, because who knows when she'll stalk my blog ever again.

doesn't matter, cause it's all love love love here, and we are best friends, and this isn't my sneaky little non-way of actually answering all that unanswerable love in my inbox right now. I mean how does a person answer all those things? It is impossible. We need to talk to each other's faces, facing hearts. 

...and then that email to self on jobs and useful links.

is all I can say.

1 comment:

  1. what a blessed girl I am to have a friend wanting to stash away tokens of #love _things shared
    who has a blog worth stalking because in a way its like a #documentation of those conversations and thoughts and challenges and unanswered questions
    aand who is willing to take the time to see mah face and let me and she be open to sharing heart things
