1. http://lapeaudourse.blogspot.com/2013/11/mille-tristesses-decoulent-de-linstant.html
2. Cela fait "déjà" 7 ans que j'ai perdu mon grand-père, mon "second papa". Il me manque beaucoup, malgré le temps qui passe. Voir souffrir et s'affaiblir une personne que l'on aime, cela est une épreuve que le temps ne peut malheureusement pas effacer. Mais ce sont aussi ces épreuves qui font "grandir", qui nous permettent de nous ouvrir aux autres, de leur dire à quel point on tient à eux. Elles redonnent un sens au mot "vivre", nous ouvrent les yeux sur la vraie valeur des choses. La vie continue, mais différemment. Je suis de tout cœur avec toi.
---------^it's one of the comments to the post in 1. I'm gonna try to translate it. Not cause I think lots of people will be outraged by the lack. Not even to share the exact sentiment I felt cause of it, because translations are slippery with feelings, anyways. Not because I think it's astoundingly artistically wrenching in a literary, aesthetic way, but just cause it's what I was reading when the first tear plopped out. I'm gonna try to translate it so the few of you who read this don't think I'm a showoff uppity aloof French-speaking person. -----------
"It's "already" been 7 years since I lost my grandfather - my "second dad." I miss him a lot, despite the time that's passed. To watch someone you love suffer and wane, that's an ordeal that time, unfortunately, can't erase. But it is also through these hardships that we grow; that we learn how to open ourselves to others; tell them how precious they are to us. It is these hardships that remind us what it really means to live, that open our eyes to the true worth in things. Life goes on, though differently. My heart goes out to you."
3. http://www.listenonrepeat.com/watch/?v=czFgKa7YcIQ
4. Writing a paper that feels like the culmination of a semester. Academically and emotionally. And feeling so out-of-the-blue humbled.
5. And in the sneaky way that end-of-term papers and final exams (and ends of terms in general...and emoish folksy songs on repeat...) tend to have, just reflecting from this tail end of the semester back on what's passed thus far and how I've grown and how there's such a long way to go, still. But for a moment, closing my eyes to future things and past things, too, and letting eyelids sqeegee out tears that are just there and enjoying all the intricate little fragments of this implosion.
Hm I think I've just figured out that this list is in reverse order of significance.
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