But in reality, being introverted or extroverted doesn't have much to do with how shy or how outgoing you are - the best way I've heard it described is that it's where you get your energy: either from others (extroverted) or from within yourself (introverted).
And I guess it's also appropriate to mention here that you also never truly know what you have until it's gone. Even though my family has moved more times than I can probably count with my two hands, I've been lucky enough to have a few good friends who have (because I suck at this, I give them all credit) kept in touch with me through phone calls and texts and facebook and whatnot. But there was a stretch of a few months when all seniors across America were crazy busy getting through college applications and 1st semester of senior year and I fell into my funk and everyone was just too busy, too busy to keep up with long-distance, let alone next door relationships. And it hit me. I am so extroverted.
Making this discovery, at least initially and in a small, tentative way, was sort of an independent activity but I only truly discovered it by talking with my sister. Talking "with" as opposed to "to" or even "at" because I'm usually more of a listener in many conversations. I like to let other people talk about what they want first (and more) - it's just more comfortable (and enjoyable, too) for me. But there are a few special people who sort of unleash the talker in me - my sister and eliz and vadaboy to name a few. With them, though I also do a fair share of listening too (at least for eliz and peter..sorry sissy), I find myself talking talking talking myself into clarifications of confusion things in life. And I've noticed that these crazy talk circles actually end up with a ding! illumination-of-the-moment moments where the world is un-confusing and stuff just makes sense. Like the discovery of my extrovertedness.
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