Saturday, August 14, 2010

closure, not so properly

Proper closure is one of my favorite non-concrete things in the world - right up there with etymology and traditions. I guess when someone says "closure," it sort of has the tendency to invoke the thought of relationships ending and having a good cry or takin a Louisville slugger to both his tires or something, but that's not really the type of closure I'm HEARTing in this post. It's more like the satisfaction of a good, non-cliffhanger ending to a movie, or saying goodbye to all the rooms in your house before you go on a roadtrip. It's just a good feeling; makes the end of something sweet not so bitter I guess. So imagine my dismay at the turn of events a couple days ago when a good(ish)-natured prank went from good(ish)-natured to a little overboard to dying out with a sputter;without any closure.

Any successful prank must include varying degrees of all the following elements:


quick pace


explosive end with lots of wholesome laughter & back-slapping

Our prank involved perfect amounts of all elements except the last... We (the prank-ers) decided for some reason that it would be funny to pretend that nothing had happened when our friends (the prank-ees) found out the deed. Bad idea. Said prank-ees were extremely angry and with the absence of explosive end with laughter and back-slapping, our whole hilarious plan went up in flames. No, it doesn't even deserve to have said that it figuratively went up in flames, because that would be more closure than the whole prank got. Instead, it just rolled over and died of old age and fatigue. Sighz

"Its important to conclude things properly. Only then can you let go. Otherwise you are left with words you should have said but never did, and your heart is heavy with remorse."
-Life of Pi by Yann Martel


all this unsatisfactory closure in this post calls for Carriegirl's moment of triumph

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