Monday, February 10, 2014

dear self,

  • stop boxing people into the limited depictions of what short list of People Types you have accumulated in your brain.
  • navigate socially-constructed viewpoints and expectations as exactly what they are - socially-constructed. this means GRAIN OF SOCIETAL SALT.
  • learn to laugh things away, but like...genuinely. ugh "authentic is the most inauthentic word" rings true.
  • be okay with not being ultimately right. let go of the squeezy feeling from "losing" to "better" people.
  • be careful with normative statements and big words, even if the latter describes exactly what you mean. don't be afraid of absolutes and "shoulds" in an all-encompassing way; just be careful, is all.
  • apologize quickly but genuinely - remember that genuineness will enact change.
  • wonder more about where that sense of wonder went - and when? - back when you used to be amazed at the wonderfulness of people and let their honesty, creativity, good intentions blow your mind away and shape your world to be a little more multi-dimensional than before. come on, you used to be a lot more convinceable. where did that go?
  • don't buy into "cynicism is inevitable." The World and its Goodness don't have to be categorized separately.
  • read the Bible more. pray more. the end.

1 comment:

  1. i don't think you've lost your sense of wonder
    i think it may have just gotten a little more aggressive :P
    this deep-seated desire to just know what the other person is trying to say
    and maybe for them to know what you have wondered about before too

    sorry if i encourage this,
    "Fierce Tears"
