- I am small.
- God is BIG!
- I think I've been fooling myself into thinking that I was okay with both of the things above, that I don't really care about this state of reality. But actually, I care a lot. I want to make much of myself. Not in a let's-become-Taylor-Swift way (okay or even like a let's become Ingrid Michaelson way, cause let's be real I am so far from wanting to be TSwift), but like I want to be recognized for humanly things. Encompassing career, academic prestige, the acknowledgment of the peoplez for whatever character/personality trait, etc. Even recognition for the fact that I hold values that are poetic, such as the fact that "I am small in God's big world," ugh you tricky little soul.
- Somehow, God individually and particularly loves ME. Little, insignificant-and-not-okay-with-this me.
- This renders me significant. [oh, right. identity in Christ? oh.]
- The best lessons are always always always easier said than lived.
two sidewalks diverged in a parking lot and I, and I, and I, |
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