Monday, January 31, 2011


Listening to my m.m.m.m.m. playlist (bloggin' music) with just one earbud in, which I never do because I like music to fill my brainspace entirely and from both earholes, but this night I make an exception because it raineth outside right now and I am enjoying the rain noises and blogging and listening to one earbud because I love the rain...eth. Like mmmmmmmmmm lovelovelove...mmmmMMmmmMMMMm.

I think I must've been a fish (omg-g-g-guh..I'm a pisces....just realized this) or...maybe an aquatic mammal


in my past life, because I get so easily parched without rain in my life. I love the rain. I love the rain. I love the rain. I love "forgetting" my umbrella when it raineth outside and having an excuse to walk around with the droplets falling all over the place and on me. I love college because it makes me walk places all the time and some of those times, it is raining and then I can walk in the rain with a purpose and not look like an insane person. I love being inside when it's raining and hearing all those rain pieces falling and splattering and making a ruckus. I love listening to this thing combined with this thing and being myself, being dreamy sleepy on my bed or swaying by myself ballroom dance style, even though I do not know how to ballroom dance. I love raindrops that fall on my nose and iLashes. I love the way rain makes the world beautiful in a way so underappreciated - redder bricks, greener trees, blacker pavement, albeit the grayer skies. I love the moat that forms alrededor el Maupin when it rains a lot at night and then you wake up in the morning and walk outside to find that you are a princess because castles are surrounded by moats, you know. I love so many more things about the rain but I am afraid that it will stop raining before I finish this post and I want this post to be created and born all, completely, in the time of rain so I'm gonna just say -- I love the rain. I love the rain. I love the rain.

It rains in Charlottesville tonight.